Monday 11 June 2012

Oh Poo.

I have a wedding to go to at the end of the month. Dress code - whatever you're comfortable with. Which is great and it sounds like it's going to be a fantastic day.
I found this great dress, not too expensive, short at the front but long at the back, good for summer but would work with a shrug or something if the weather isn't great. In a fab print of planets and stars and galaxies. I fell in love with it over the internet. Over the weekend I flogged enough of my outshrunk clothes to order it and was quite pleased with myself when I went to them through Topcashback and ended up with about 30% off between cashback and discount voucher. That was yesterday afternoon.
This evening, about 5pm, they sent me a refund and cancelled the order as the dress isn't in stock. It was in stock when I ordered it and now it's not. And they've removed it from the website.
So I'm flummoxed. I'm not a happy shopper at the best of times and the only person I really have the option of shopping with is Big, so Small has to come too and well... ever tried clothes shopping with a man who is lovely but thinks everything looks fine and isn't paying attention anyway because there's a bored, insane toddler hanging off him who has reached shopping hatred critical mass? Not fun.

Well, I'll have to figure it out somehow. It's times like this I wish I lived closer to my sister.

Enough of this, we shall not dwell on the unfairness of the retail clothing industry any longer, except for to say if you find yourself ordering directly from the AX Paris website, don't count on them accepting your order meaning you'll get your outfit. I have baked today good readers and made a rather scrummy beef and vegetable casserole with sliced potato topping (not that Small thought so...) so I shall leave you with some lovely photos of my culinary wins as antidote to my fashion fails.

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