Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sucked Back In

So not two minutes after I finished posting last night's blog, I thought I'd happen by Battlenet and see if I could even remember my old sign ons. I did.

Then I thought I'd just check out how much it would be to play again but first I updated my email details and stuff and before I knew what was happening, I was entering card details and upgrading to Mists of Pandaria in readiness for it's release next week. And playing.

Somehow, it was suddenly after midnight and I was still playing. Ooops. It's like crack, you can't just have a little WoW.

And it's communicable. I hadn't finished arguing with Battlenet to stop messing around and let me in (par for the course, that much hasn't changed over the years I've been out) before Big was also resurrecting his account and re-entering the fray. He's managed to recover his old character on his old server though and I couldn't figure out how to do that so I'm playing with a new character, a werewolf. I've got her to level 10 already so quite happy with that.

Oh dear though, it does suck away your life. Hours fly by and you don't know where they've gone!

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